Saturday, August 11, 2007

All Things AC

I'm sort of flying by the seat of my pants right now. I love being a content producer for Associated Content. I've been steadily writing since January, and I have made somewhere around $1200 now. I just learned about adding widgets to promote my work. I don't even know how that works yet, but I hope to find out.

There are times when I feel that I am hitting up against a brick wall in my writing. After a while, I think the well runs dry for everyone. I am changing my strategy as I feel I need to. When I started getting turned down, I started paying closer attention to my key words. I found out that good key words can make a difference between getting an offer and not getting an offer. Just a few days ago I got a turn down. I didn't do anything to the body of the article. I changed the key words and changed one word in the title. I was then offered $7.02 for the same article they declined.

In the event I get a turn down on an article, and I don't want to change it, I will submit it as a non-exclusive article without payment consideration. Those free articles will earn money on page views, so I no longer feel bad about submitting them.

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